Skills/competences Map

The following table includes the skills / competences ordered in descending order of the number of researchers who have mentioned them (limited to the top 100 entries).

sentiment analysis 6
statistics 5
academic writing and publishing 5
machine learning 5
programming 4
project management 4
natural language processing 3
agent-based modeling 3
artificial intelligence 3
deep learning 2
computer science 2
critical thinking 2
data analysis 2
bibliometric analysis 2
c / c++ / c# 2
collaboration and networking 2
financial forecasting 2
microsoft office 2
economics 2
html5 / css3 / javascript 2
python 2
teaching and communication 2
r programming language 2
risk management 2
recommender systems 1
social media studies 1
sql 1
tensorflow 1
sysops / devops 1
qualitative analysis 1
quantitative analysis 1
netlogo modeling 1
operational research 1
problem solving 1
hypothesis testing 1
java / scala 1
latex 1
literature review 1
e-government and e-administration 1
ethical research conduct 1
experimental design 1
machine learning 1
full professional proficiency in english 1
grey system theory 1
machine learning / deep learning 1
market analysis 1
methodology design 1
microsoft azure 1
computational social science 1
amazon aws 1
agent based modeling 1
agent based-modelling 1
data interpretation 1
digital governance 1
author profiling 1
azure devops 1